Using the App
Adobe Scan

Adobe Scan

In order to attach a PDF of any delivery notes in the site forms app, you must follow the below instructions to capture the PDF using your phone camera.


If you don't have the app installed, you can find it here Android (opens in a new tab) iOS (opens in a new tab)

  1. Place the document to scan on a flat surface, a desk or table is good for this. Make sure the surface is clear of other items. The only thing the camera should see is the document and the desk/table.

  2. Open the Adobe Scan app.

  3. Position the entire document in view of the camera and tap the screen to start the app scanning for the document.

  4. The app will look for the document and place a blue dot on each corner of the page.


  5. Hold your phone still and the app will take a photo of the document.

  6. If there is more than one document or it is double sided, place it in view of the camera and allow it to capture it.

  7. Once all pages have be scanned, touch the preview icon in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.


  8. Wait for the page to load and then click Save PDF. There is no need to rename the document, the site forms app will do this for you when you upload it.


  9. You can now open the site forms app and submit the External Goods Recieved form.

Last updated on December 8, 2022