Using the App
Daily Record Sheet

Daily Record Sheet

New or Existing

When you first open the Daily Record Sheet page, you will be presented with two options. Click the New button if you would like to start a new daily record sheet, or click Existing if you wish to amend an existing sheet.



The New page will present you with a form with the following fields.


Please fill out all relevant information and then click the Create button.

  • Job - Start typing a job number and an autocomplete dropdown will appear. Please select a job from this dropdown. Failure to do so will prevent the form from submitting.
  • Date - This defaults to todays date but clicking on it will open a date picker to select a different date


By default the form only has space for one employees details. Pressing the + button at the end of this section will add another section for another employee. If you add too many, press the - button to remove that section. The following fields are present:

  • Name - Start typing a name and the chose an employee from the dropdown autocomplete menu. Failure to do so will prevent the form from submitting.
  • Trade - Please enter the details of the main task this employee performs
  • Start - Click here to open a time picker to select the start time of the employee

Plant Equipment

This section works much the same as the Employees section. If there is more than one piece of plant equipment on this site, click the + to add another. The - will remove a section. The following fields are present:

  • Hired Plant - Please start typing to enter the name of a plant item. A dropdown autocomplete menu will appear listing Aarsleff's plant items. If this machine is hired from Aarsleff, then please make sure you select an item from the drop down menu.
  • Hired From - Enter the company the plant is hired from
  • Start - Click here to open a time picker to select the start time of the plant equipment

Once this page is complete, please click the Create button. A completed form should look similar to below.


Add or Sign Off

After completing the New or Existing form, you will be presented with the following page:


To add records to this sheet, click the Add button. To complete and sign off this sheet, click the Sign Off sheet.


The add page allows you to add records detailing daily activities to the sheet. It contains the following fields.


  • Start - Click here to open a time picker to select the start time of the activity
  • Finish - Click here to open a time picker to select the finish time of the activity
  • Description - Enter the details of the tasks undertaken during the specified time frame

Please make sure to fill in all fields and the click the Add button. A completed form should look similar to this:


Once the info has been submitted it will be visible in the This Pile Record table.


Please continue to add records to this sheet until all the days activities have been completed. At this point, click the Sign Off button to complete the sheet.

Sign Off

The sign off page, has the following fields in it.


The weather field will fill itself out based on your current location, so please fill this out as close to site as possible. The first time you open this page, you may be prompted to grant the app access to your location data. Please grant this access. Your location is not stored anywhere. It is only used to get accurate weather data. Please fill out the other three fields detailed below.

  • Rig Fuel - Please enter the amount of fuel put into the rig. If no fuel was used, please enter 0. Do not leave this blank.
  • Piles Installed - Enter the number of piles installed on the selected day
  • Metres Pitched - Please enter then number of metres pitched on the selected day.

A section for each employee will also be present with the following fields.

  • Finish - Click here to open a time picker to select the finish time of the employee
  • Meal - Please enter the time taken for breaks by this employee in HH:MM format e.g. 00:30 for 30 mins

There will also be a section for each item of plant with the following fields.

  • Finish - Click here to open a time picker to select the finish time of the plant equipment
  • Meal - Please enter the time taken for breaks by this machine in HH:MM format e.g. 00:30 for 30 mins
  • Standing - Please enter the time standing by this machine in HH:MM format e.g. 00:30 for 30 mins
  • Break Down - Please enter the time this machine was broken down in HH:MM format e.g. 00:30 for 30 mins

At this point please click the Signature button to sign this document. Turn your device landscape before clicking the signature button, to provide you with more space to sign. Once this has been done, click the OK button in the bottom right hand corner of the screen to save your signature. If you need to redo your signature, click the Clear button to start again.


Once all of this is complete, click the Complete button to submit the sheet. A completed sheet should look similar to below.



If you wish to amend a sheet that you have already created, please click the Existing button on the main screen of the Daily record sheet page. This will present you with the following screen:


Please click in the date box to be presented with a date picker to chose the date of the sheet you wish to amend. This will then populate the Job No dropdown with the job numbers of and sheets that have yet to be signed off with the entered date. Click in this dropdown and select a job. Then click ok. This will send you to the Add or Sign Off page where you can then make changes. Please click the Restart button on any screen, to be sent back to the main screen of the daily record sheet page. Please note, this will not undo any changes you have made.

Last updated on December 8, 2022